"Don't let us win tonight, Napoleon."

As soon as the Sox were officially toastified out of the 2010 playoffs, I focused my attentions on tonight’s premiere of ESPN’s Four Days in October, which will constitute my only taste of sweet autumn magic for this season. Here’s another preview:

I have to say, watching these commercials has gotten me even more nostalgic for Kevin Millar. And during the bit where he’s confronted by a particularly smarmy Napoleon Shaughnessy, I found myself praying that El Bencho would give him slap to the chops.

And I still maintain that Millar’s “Don’t let us win tonight” speech should be added to the Boston Public Schools curriculum. Enough with that “Ask not what your country can do for you” shit. This means something, dammit.

The show starts at 8pm ET on ESPN. Be there.