Since we started this goofy ass blog in 2004, we’ve had a number of folks approach us about partnerships to sell everything from Reggie Jefferson Cajun Dry Rub to the Dante Bichette Testicle Maintenance Kit. We said no to all of ‘em, despite the fact I thought that with the right marketing, the Bichette thing could net us millions.

But when the folks at TiqIQ proposed a unique service that would make it easier for our readers to find and purchase Sox tickets, we were interested. So we’re happy to present Sox Addicts Tickets, powered by and TiqIQ.

Check the link and you’ll see that the TiqIQ platform makes it easy to find the best seats at the best price. The site also offers some pretty cool features, including:

Aggregated Listings: TiqIQ track tickets from major sellers including Stubhub, TicketsNow, eBay and TicketNetwork. (The site shows these in both a Market Tab (Stubhub, TicketsNow, TicketNetwork, eBay) and Auction Tab (eBay).

TiqZone Categorization: TiqIQ breaks each stadium up into TiqZones, which are groupings of sections determined to be comparable in value (and please don’t think we haven’t already suggested designating a “Red and Denton section” right behind Heidi’s third base line perch.)

TiqIQ Statistics: TiqIQ provides ticket-level buying intelligence through the IQ rating and TiqIQ Statistics.

There’s no selling-out to the man here; we ain’t gonna get rich off this (unless you measure “rich” in one’s ability to buy both regular and Double Stuff Oreos). What it does allow us to do, however, is add a little bit more value to the SG community–it’s snarky, booze-addled Red Sox news and a cool place to buy tickets, all in one blog! Through this partnership, we’ll also be able to offer up some sweet contest prizes (hint—check us out tomorrow) and TiqIQ’s business plan calls for some future enhancements we think you’ll all enjoy. If you want to learn a little bit more about TiqIQ, you can visit their FAQ site here.

Bottom line, if you’re ever looking to buy Red Sox tickets, give our site a look. And thanks.