Wanna talk injuries?

It had to happen sooner or later. Broken feet, thumbs, ribs…you just can’t keep winning games with half your team in various states of traction and plaster casts. But look on the bright side: the Sox were one swing away from stealing the game tonight, and lost by a run in each of the first two games. With only half of a major league team dressed, the Red Sox were thisclose to taking the series and maybe even sweeping the Rays. And that’s against the Rays’ three best pitchers. And huge props to Uncle Junior for bringing in Matt Garza to close this one out – ballsy move.

As much as I’d love to see Youk voted to the All-Star team – clearly he deserves it – after seeing him hobbling around out there tonight I think the rest would be better. I have to wonder…seeing Youk gutting it out and Cameron playing through a sports hernia (that probably feels like a 9-iron to the nuts every time he takes a step)…doesn’t it make Ellsbury feel a little…soft? I know there are a lot of people defending him, but it’s been a looong time. Reagan recovered from an assassination faster than this.

One more series, three more games until the Time Of Great Healing begins.