One of my biggest regrets in life, beyond that time I refused to get in that car with Kevin Millar and six drunk BC girls (honestly, what was I thinking?), is that I’ve never been to spring training. Not once.

But if anything was gonna push me to cross that off my bucket list, it’s this sweet new spring training complex the Sox have just released preliminary plans for. It looks like a friggin’ resort, but it’s even better than a resort, because this place has baseball. And check the replica Green Monster in left! One can only assume there’ll also be a Pesky’s Pole and a couple pairs of tiny cleats strewn about to commemorate Craig Grebeck’s brief but distinguished Red Sox career.

The site’s still a long way from finalization, but let me say I’d gladly risk skin cancer and getting trampled by old women at the local Sizzler to bask in its awesome.