When the tentative knock sounds, it is not unexpected. The man with the long flowing hair and beard, dressed only in a white robe, opens the door.

Security: I’m really sorry to bother you, Mr. Damon, but we’ve received another report of objects being thrown out of the window on this floor.

Damon (taking a long pull from a half-empty bottle of Crown Royal): Objects?

Security: Ah, that’s right. This time it was…pumpkins.

Damon: And I am accused? This is blasphemy.

Security: Well, the man described the person as ‘looking like Jesus’ after his BMW was hit with the…object.

Damon: Judas! Betrayed for..wait (cracks a mischievous grin), did you say a BMW?

Security: Yes, that’s right.

Damon: And what will you do to me, Pilate? (finishes the bottle with a long gulp, then stares confused at the empty bottle) If I profess my innocence?

Security: Actually, the name is O’Conner. And the man is considering pressing charges. I’d like you to come down and fill out a statement. And you can leave the hotel robe here, please.

Damon lets the robe fall to the floor, as Michelle steps out of the shower adjusting a towel.

Michelle: Johnny, why are you standing naked in front of this man? (gives O’Conner a head to toe appraisal) Are we going to…you know?

Damon: No..well I hadn’t though about it… No, he claims I was seen throwing a pumpkin out the window.

Michelle: Ridiculous! Impossible! We were having relations. Being with each other, in the Biblical sense.

Security: Oh, ahh, never mind, I’ll just say you weren’t home… (backs quickly out of the room)

Damon: Honey, we nailed a Beamer! Crack open a fresh bottle of Crown and get me some water balloons!